Monday 22 March 2021


4 Private Dinner Party Ideas for a Big-Bash Celebration

Getting together with friends and family to enjoy a meal doesn’t really require a lot of arrangements. As long as the food is good and the stories are interesting, the occasion will automatically become amazing. But that said, this doesn’t mean you don’t put any thought into this private dinner party. A bit of preparation and attention to detail can take you a long way into ensuring the guests at the party are having a time of their life and enjoying an experience that they would remember for years.

private caterer London
Here are fourprivate dinner party ideas to make whatever you’re celebrating (birthday, promotion, life, anything else) a big bash:

1.       Try it outdoors

Instead of doing it at your home or in any indoor venue, how about taking it outside? Find an outdoor space where people can sit on couches, breathe in the fresh air, and have a relaxing chat. You can do this even on any terrace – as long the space is open to the sky and there are not many distractions around. Outdoor dinner parties can be a distinct experience for all who usually go to tens of indoor parties every month.

2.       Introduce guests to a unique menu

Hire an experienced private caterer London and have them prepare the best dishes. But that’s not all… Ensure the menu is custom and includes some unique cuisines that your guests haven’t likely tried in the past. Help them try something new and distinct from their usual. This would become one of those things of this party that would stand out in memories. In short, do away from the regular, boring dinner. Have your friends and family dine something different.

3.       Picturesque background

People will click pictures at the party. So, you should ideally ensure that there are enough spots to click pictures. A High-rise building terrace can have an incredible background. If you’re dining at any fancy venue, it would have good, well-lit backgrounds as well; if not, arrange for them. And if you’re outdoors in some open space, the greeneries around can make for a good background for pictures. In any case, wherever you’re hosting this dinner party, make sure it is picturesque.

4.       Select a relevant theme

Instead of casually calling your friends and family and asking them to have dinner together, put some more thoughts into it to make the party more interesting and experiential. For one, pick a theme for the party. From Harry Potter to Star Wars and Arabian night to Burlesque – there are countless theme ideas. Pick one that’s more relevant to why you’re hosting this dinner party, what kind of guests you have invited, and where you’re having this party.

These are four private dinner party ideas to make whatever you’re celebrating even more joyous and memorable.


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